At the Crossroads of Europe, Asia and the Middle East

Photo credit: Jake Smith

Six Top Experiences in Jordan

A view of Amman from the Amman Citadel.
A view of Amman from the Amman Citadel. Photo credit: Jake Smith

Jordan is a top destination for travelers – and rightfully so. The country, though relatively small, is home to six separate UNESCO World Heritage Sites covering Biblical, Greek, Nabataean, Roman, and Arab architecture and archaeology. You can snorkel over pristine tropical reefs in the Gulf of Aqaba in the morning, float in the Dead Sea at noon, and be in a pine forest in the hills around Ajloun by evening. It is an amazingly diverse and historical place. MIR’s Jake Smith recently had the opportunity to travel through Jordan. Here he shares his six favorite experiences in the country, including a few that are off the beaten path.

1. The Backdoor to Petra

What is it?

The “backdoor” to Petra is five-mile path starting at Little Petra (Petra’s smaller neighbor) and ending at the Monastery (the outermost monument within the main Petra site).

The "Backdoor" trail from Little Petra to Petra.
The “Backdoor” trail from Little Petra to Petra. Photo credit: Jake Smith

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